Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hanging out with Umberto Eco

In a blog post at The Big Idea, Jason F. McDaniel manages to reference both Umberto Eco and me:
In the first lecture, “How I Write”, [Umberto] Eco reveals much of his writing process, how his ideas are formed and how he works out his novels. He also talks about how he came to be a writer. I like to hear authors give autobiographical accounts of how they started writing and how they sustain themselves. The other day I listened to an interview with Michael Bracken on Reading and Writing podcast. Bracken says he became a writer when he was 14, seriously. He decided he wanted to be a writer and he set about to make it happen. Now he’s in his 50’s had has over 800 short stories published!

Now that's some pretty good company.

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